Izbrani forum: Odklop
Izbrana tema: Treniranje smejalnih mišic :)
Prikaz samo enega sporočila - znotraj teme...
B: ???
A: Ja, pilot vendar! Ne bodi no tak rasist!
Neposredni odgovori na sporočilo št. 2586913
Strani: 1
V prodajalni na letališču je JKG iskal svojo najnovejšo knjigo, kar je opazila prodajalka in ga vprašala, če mu lahko kako pomaga.
"Well, I seem to remeber a lot of recent discussion about a book - I forget the name of the author, maybe Galbraith - but I think it was called The Great Crash.
"That's certainly not a title you could sell in an airport."
Steinbeck je Galbraithu pisal, da je odkril brezhibnega diplomata. Dva moška se pogovarjata o Green Bayu v Wisconsinu.
A: It's a real nice place.
B: What's nice about it? Only things ever come out of Green Bay is the Packers and ugly whores.
A: Now, wait just one minute, you son of a bitch. My wife is from Green Bay.
B: She is? What position she play?
Strani: 1