Izbrani forum: Borza
Izbrana tema: TLSG
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sporočil: 6.775
Kakšna neopredmetena sredstva?
A capital expenditure (Capex) is money invested by a company to acquire or upgrade fixed, physical, non-consumable assets, such as buildings and equipment or a new business.
A capital expenditure (Capex) is money invested by a company to acquire or upgrade fixed, physical, non-consumable assets, such as buildings and equipment or a new business.
Neposredni odgovori na sporočilo št. 2571032
Strani: 1
sporočil: 13.528
[tilenrexi]SLO računovodski standard pozna opredmetena (računalniki , mize, stoli) in neopredmetena osnovna sredstva (ki so lahko tudi programska oprema, intelektualna lastnina ipd.)
Kakšna neopredmetena sredstva?
Strani: 1