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[Avto] Tema: Mislite, da ste dobri vozniki? Pomislite še enkrat
[#2457488] 19.09.14 11:54 · odgovor na: milos9 (#2457469)
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Gre za konkretne nasvete vpraksi, kako se znajdi na cesti. Brez avtomobilskega partnerja pa projekta ne moremo izvesti.
Kolikor vem imajo na Vranskem nekakšno floto vozil grupacije VW. Verjetno pa tale posel z Oplom pokrije več interesov hkrati. Sicer je bila moja ost usmerjena čisto stran od vas in k preostanku redakcije in portalov Financ.

BTW, verjetno veste, kdo je že davno tega poskrbel za slovite vaje z žogico v plitvi skledi na haubi: Jackie Stewart, ki je bil dolga leta dobro plačan svetovalec Forda.

Following his retirement from motor sport, Stewart worked as a consultant on driving and safety to vehicle manufacturers and safety organizations around the world. As a means of demonstrating his approach, a small ball was placed in a molded shallow bowl attached to the hood of a car. Stewart would drive the car, accelerating, braking and cornering in his trademark smooth fashion. The ball would remain in the bowl throughout. Volunteers were then asked to drive the vehicle without ‘spilling’ the ball. The ball would typically be quickly ejected from the bowl. The point of the exercise was that a smooth approach meant superior control and was ultimately less wearing on the vehicle, driver and passengers alike.