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anon-35163 sporočil: 30.643
[Servis] Tema: Odprtje teme o strojnikih
[#2193668] 15.08.13 12:03 · odgovor na: anon-154083 (#2193593)
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Zadnja sprememba: anon-35163 15.08.2013 12:09
Stvari so šle bistveno dlje od šivanja gat. Tole sem že parkrat poslal, pa bom še enkrat, ker je za debate okoli Zahoda, Kitajcev in tehničnega znanja precej važno:


Še posebej zanimiva je štorija o Dellu in Asusu:
ASUSTeK started out making the simple circuit boards within a Dell computer. Then ASUSTeK came to Dell with an interesting value proposition: “We’ve been doing a good job making these little boards. Why don’t you let us make the motherboard for you? Circuit manufacturing isn’t your core competence anyway and we could do it for 20% less.”

Dell accepted the proposal because from a perspective of making money, it made sense: Dell’s revenues were unaffected and its profits improved significantly. On successive occasions, ASUSTeK came back and took over the motherboard, the assembly of the computer, the management of the supply chain and the design of the computer. In each case Dell accepted the proposal because from a perspective of making money, it made sense: Dell’s revenues were unaffected and its profits improved significantly. However, the next time ASUSTeK came back, it wasn’t to talk to Dell. It was to talk to Best Buy and other retailers to tell them that they could offer them their own brand or any brand PC for 20% lower cost. As The Innovator’s Prescription concludes:

Bingo. One company gone, another has taken its place. There’s no stupidity in the story. The managers in both companies did exactly what business school professors and the best management consultants would tell them to do—improve profitability by focus on on those activities that are profitable and by getting out of activities that are less profitable.
Osnovna ideja storitvene ekonomije je, da bi na Zahodu delali samo razvoj in dizajn, proizvodnjo in umazanijo pa bi preselili drugam. A v praksi se znanje vedno seli za proizvodnjo. To se je pokazalo pri elektroniki, avtomobilih, sedaj pa se kaže tudi pri računalnikih in še čem. Med debatami o offshoringu, tam okoli preloma tisočletja ko je bilo to še aktualno, se je nek komentator vprašal: "Najprej smo offshorali proizvodnjo, sedaj offshoramo znanje. Kaj bo naslednje?"

Kot se zdi, so problemi bistveno globji od inženirskih plačk in namišljenega pomanjkanja kadrov. Gre za vprašanje, ali ima domače tehnično znanje kakšen vpliv na ekonomijo. Ekonomisti pravijo da ne, da je tehnično znanje in kadre za male denarje mogoče dobiti kjerkoli na svetu. V skladu s to predpostavko sprejemajo poslovne odločitve, tudi glede plač. In če ta predpostavka ne drži, smo vsi skupaj vsaj za par desetletij v riti.