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anon-106232 sporočil: 561
In all the hand-wringing about capitalism and globalisation, one statistic tends to be forgotten. Thanks largely to economic growth, nearly 1 billion people have been lifted out of extreme poverty in 20 years. Between 1990 and 2010 the poverty rate fell from 43% of the population of the developing world to 21%. Our cover leader in most editions argues that the world has a real chance of lifting another 1 billion out of destitution by 2030. In Britain, however, we celebrate another unnoticed success: classical liberalism, of the sort that The Economist has trumpeted for 170 years, is popular again with the young.

John Micklethwait, Editor-in-Chief

Citat ne paše ravno na to nitje, a si nisem mogel kaj, da ga prilepim. Kaj mislite, dragi forumaši Financ, kdaj bomo lahko brali o takih rezultatih demokratičnega socializma?!