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Izbrana tema: članek Brazilija zamuja z elektrifikacijo, vse več zanimanja za biogoriva
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Tema: Brazilija zamuja z elektrifikacijo, vse več zanimanja za biogoriva
[#3024804] 04.08.23 14:18
[#3024804] 04.08.23 14:18
If we lose market, this will be a defeat for us. Just as all of our
victories will show, when people say we want to stay with you, this
is the work that our team has to do. So there is a note saying that
says, if you only know who are your friends, if you eat a bag of
salt with the other people. And so my dad used to say that it takes
a long time to eat a bag of salt
vir: kvartalna press konferenca companhia energetica do minas gerais
nauk: google translate my ass
vir: kvartalna press konferenca companhia energetica do minas gerais
nauk: google translate my ass